Hanna Hill Creative

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Titus L: Birth Story Revisited

Titus L. : Birth Story Revisited | 1 Year later

One year ago today this little one was brought into the world. Photographing births has always been a deep passion of mine; one that truly felt reignited by this little guy's birth. I remember walking out the hospital the morning he was born and literally jumping because I had finally been reunited with my passion. Watching Ellen fiercely work through her contractions, make hard choices, fight through the exhaustion while still maintaining this pure sense of peace and joy that she would soon meet her son was just the amount of empowerment I needed to see. Whatever fear she felt she continuously fought against it. I remember the room being filled with their birth playlist which was this incredible mixture of soft hymns and the most joyful gospel music you can think of. I remember how after sleeping in the hospital room all night we woke up to this gorgeous morning light. I remember looking up to see Jaremy just holding Ellen's hand, laughing and praying with her knowing that their little boy would be there soon. That morning light made each photo and moment that much more hopeful and captivating. It streamed through the room just as Titus was brought earth side and I remember thinking "my god, this job is everything." 

You may be wondering, why is Hanna rewriting and sharing a blog post from one year ago when she is 15-30 blog posts behind. Well thats a great question. I realized that in one year my passion for birth photography has grown like a wildfire in my spirit. My style and desire to capture that authentic, raw emotion that is present in every sacred birthing space has only solidified. That spirit and style was just re-beginning when I wrote this story last year. I was just remembering a passion I held a little captive in my heart. Without even reason I found myself going back through this birth and finding new details and moments I had lost when I posted it before. I found myself reworking the color, light and composition and wanted to be able to share it again in celebration of both growth as a business and my passion for this work. This new blog for me is a reflection, reinvigoration of an already beautiful story just with a new perspective one year later. I obviously won't be able to reblog every birth each year as my style grows and changes but there really was something so special about this birth that made me feel pretty much just called to re share and retell it in a new way. 

If you want to take a look at last years orignal post you can do so through this link.

Original Titus Birth Blog

You'll see that I've added a lot more moments never before shared. It's crazy how much can change in 1 year. Cheers to little Titus today on his first birthday!